#168. Cameron Johnson: The Big Connection

#168. 卡梅隆·约翰逊:重大关联




1 小时 50 分钟

单集简介 ...

Cameron Johnson is an expert in supply chains, manufacturing, and technology.  He is frequently sought out for his expertise on US-China trade and supply chain issues, and is a delegate to Washington DC where he advises US politicians and officials.  He is also a professor at New York University and former Vice-Chair of the board at the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.  He is a senior partner at Tidalwave Solutions with clients in various high technology sectors and he has been quoted by both American and Chinese news outlets alike.  His work helping US buyers source personal protective equipment during the pandemic has been featured on the PBS series Frontline titled “America’s Medical Supply Crisis”. Today we talk about US-China trade relations, the supply chain ecosystem, and the political forces that shape it.  Cameron shares what’s fueling America’s approach to “de-risking” or “decoupling” from China and his long-term outlook for global peace.  We discuss the oversimplification of reshoring manufacturing to the US and the political rhetoric around it.  We also explore the role of supply chains in reducing global conflicts, despite current tensions. Follow Cameron on substack: decoupling.substack.com ____________________ 下载节目文字版: Episode Transcripts ____________________ If you enjoy this show don't forget to leave a rating and subscribe! 小红书: THD The Honest Drink Follow Us On IG: @thehonestdrink_ Join Us On WeChat: THD_Official Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.com Find us on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, 小宇宙, 喜马拉雅, 网易云音乐, 小红书, Bilibili or anywhere you get your podcasts.

单集文稿 ...

  • Thanks for bringing the root beer.

  • Thank God the supply lines of root beer have restarted again.

  • For years.

  • You couldn't get it.

  • Actually.

  • Just use this to get into the.

  • Like into the mood.

  • Into the mood, as they say.

  • Like, like as if you're not being recorded at all, you know, I don't.

  • Feel at all with the cameras on me and the microphone and.

  • Yeah, fucking spotlights.

  • There's like 10 people in the back.

  • The makeup, like just.

  • No, no, I typed it.

  • Makeup, wardrobe.

  • Can we get the Kaiser one up over here?

  • That was, you know, I ran to the bathroom like five times and a half hour before that.

  • Anyway, like, all right.

  • Yeah.

  • Cameron Johnson.