#167. Frank Tsai: Careful When Opening





1 小时 44 分钟

单集简介 ...

Frank Tsai is the largest organizer of public lectures in Shanghai.  He is the founder of China Crossroads, hosting public talks on "China and the World" where he invites senior figures in academia, politics, business and foreign affairs.  He formerly worked at The Economist and Control Risks, the top global risk consultancy.  He is an American with a background teaching geopolitical risk analysis and international media.  Today we talk passionately about a wide range of topics, including societal biases towards extroverts, the evolving socio-political landscape in China, and U.S. President Donald Trump.  We talk about cycles of tightening and opening in national policies and society, the low bar for some China “experts”, and why media and public figures speak in hyperbole.  We explore the framework of U.S. and China relations, exit plans, and global stability.  Frank also reflects on America under Trump, the loss of civic education and the weakening global perception of American democracy.  The conversation wraps up with a critique of the “melting pot” ideal, exploring the tension between individualism and unity in both China and America. ____________________ 下载节目文字版: Episode Transcripts ____________________ If you enjoy this show don't forget to leave a rating and subscribe! 小红书: THD The Honest Drink Follow Us On IG: @thehonestdrink_ Join Us On WeChat: THD_Official Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.com Find us on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, 小宇宙, 喜马拉雅, 网易云音乐, 小红书, Bilibili or anywhere you get your podcasts.

单集文稿 ...

  • Hi, I'm Frank Tsai.

  • I run China Crossroads.

  • I'm the largest organizer of public lectures in Shanghai,

  • and I've run about 70 public lectures a year and 600 of these talks since 2010.

  • You've been on this show before.

  • Why'd you agree to come back?

  • You guys are influential.

  • That's the honest answer.

  • So, you know, you're great people, and I enjoy being with great people,

  • but, you know, my time is valuable, and this is a good use of my time.

  • All right, so, Frank, we got through a lot of shit today.

  • Barely, right?

  • I mean, last time I had no idea who you guys were.

  • I come in here, it's a cold, and there's three strangers around a table,

  • and I'm dressed really badly, and I. And I get on video.

  • Right.

  • So.

  • But this time, something's changed.

  • What were a couple of things that you wish we would have gotten to,

  • that we're going to get to the next show?