单集简介 ...
King Kwesi is a vlogger, street interviewer and English teacher from Ghana, living in China. His YouTube Channel documents his experiences as an African interacting in Chinese society. Today we talk about his background from Ghana, growing up in a polygamous family, and his experience living in China as an African. We talk about why he started the YouTube channel, his perspective on China’s development and how he feels about certain comments and attacks he gets for his videos. We discuss Africa, and China’s presence in Africa as we hear his thoughts on benefits, exploitation, colonialization and debt. We talk about the perception of Africa and China in Western media and films. We talk about cultural unity and diversity and his experiences with racism, prejudice and how we measure our own quality of life. We also talk about why he chooses to remain in China, whats difficult about it, and why he hopes his channel can foster more understanding.
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