#144. Julia Shen: Not Lost In Translation

#144. 谢ジュリア:未迷失于翻译之中




1 小时 39 分钟

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Today we try a bilingual episode speaking Chinese with our guest Julia Shen.  We talk about gender roles, relationships, masculinity, marriage and compare certain interesting behaviors between Chinese and Western culture.  We try to find definitions for Chinese words that may not exist in the English language, and learn some new Chinese sayings at the same time.  We talk about Julia's experience as our realtor and her observations from helping foreigners of various nationalities find homes in Shanghai. Connect with Julia | Official WeChat: Julia Service ____________________ 下载节目文字版: Episode Transcripts ____________________ If you enjoy this show don't forget to leave a rating and subscribe! 小红书: THD The Honest Drink Follow Us On IG: @thehonestdrink_ Join Us On WeChat: THD_Official Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.com Find us on: Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, YouTube, 小宇宙, 喜马拉雅, 网易云音乐, 小红书, Bilibili or anywhere you get your podcasts.

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