#104. Andy Boreham: At What Cost?

104. 安迪·博勒姆:代价几何?




1 小时 46 分钟

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Andy Boreham is a weekly columnist at Shanghai Daily.  His video series, Reports On China, analyzes how Western media report on China.  Born and raised in New Zealand, he has degrees in Media Studies, Political Science and Chinese.  Today we discuss why and how Western media consistently reports negatively on China.  We talk about fake news, fear mongering, the decline of mainstream news outlets, controversial headlines, virtue signaling and Wokeism. ____________________ Connect with Andy | Twitter: @AndyBxxx 头条: 绿眼睛Andy 抖音: 外媒看中国 _____________________ If you enjoy this show don't forget to leave a rating and subscribe! Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehonestdrink_/ Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.com Add Us On WeChat: THD_Official Find us on: Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Ximalaya, 小宇宙, 网易云音乐, Bilibili or anywhere else you get your podcasts.

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