#88. Kyle Hegarty: The Business Nomad

#88. 凯尔·赫加蒂:商业游牧者




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Kyle Hegarty is the author of The Accidental Business Nomad: A Survival Guide for Working Across a Shrinking Planet, winner of the 2021 Axiom Business Book Award.  He helps organizations grow globally by helping leaders and teams find new ways to communicate and lead across our shrinking planet. His sales and marketing training programs help clients increase business across regions and his global communications programs help strengthen remote and hybrid teams, build trust, and prepare next-gen leaders for tomorrow's threats and opportunities.  His book is now available worldwide.  Today he shares stories from his book that highlight the funny, tragic and expensive mistakes people make when dealing with foreign markets, cultures and people. LinkedIn: Kyle Hegarty | LinkedIn Amazon book link: https://amzn.to/3bFdwCB Website: Leadership Nomad - Think Global. Lead Local. If you enjoy this show don't forget to leave a rating and subscribe!Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehonestdrink_/Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.comJoin Us On WeChat: THD_Official Find us on: Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Ximalaya, 小宇宙, 网易云音乐, Bilibili or anywhere else you get your podcasts.

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