#64. Dr. Ryan Thorpe: Thinker's Dilemma

64. 莱恩·索普博士:思考者的困境




1 小时 48 分钟

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Dr. Ryan Thorpe is a writer, author and professor from Texas.  He teaches humanities and writing courses at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute.  He has a publishing deal for a series of three fantasy novels and has another publishing deal with Routledge for books teaching second language creative writing.  He is also the director of the Shanghai Writing Workshop which holds free and public workshops and lectures and he is the editor of the Blue Tiger Review, a free literature magazine that arose out of discovering that many second language writers had nowhere to send their work.   Shanghai Writing Workshop: www.shanghaiwriting.com Blue Tiger Review: http://bluetiger.sjtu.edu.cn/ Join us on WeChat: THD_Official Instagram: thehonestdrink_ Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.com Find us on: Apple, Spotify, 小宇宙, 网易云音乐, 喜马拉雅, Bilibili, YouTube...

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