From PRX Friends beyond the Binary.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for the podcaster who's here to talk about stories and musicals and maybe the movie version of something.
But very slowly, very meandering, and take me forever to get there, because this is Sleep With Me.
If you're new, this is a podcast that's here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep a little bit different.
It's a sleep podcast that doesn't put you to sleep, but is more a friend in the deep, dark night.
I'll just be here talking for your benefit, so give it a few tries.
If you're new, see how it goes.
What we got coming up is support so the podcast can come out.
Most people like to listen to this ad support version twice a week.
Then a long, meandering intro meant to ease you into bedtime.
And then we'll be talking about Act 2 of the musical, Legally Blonde.
And me, I just watched a movie last night, so I said, okay, well, I don't know, how will it take me as long as it takes them to perform Act 2 of the musical?
Or less time?
Because if it takes me less time, then I'm going to need to watch the movie to fill in some blanks.
I'm a slow reader, so I won't be able to complete the book.
But yeah, welcome to Sleep With Me.
I'm glad you're here.
If you're new, I think just see how it goes.
And this show is made possible for everybody by people that support the show directly on Sleep With Me plus or support the sponsors who send their kindness out to me or to other listeners or to podcasts in general.