Welcome to the world in 10 in an increasingly uncertain world.
This is the Times daily podcast dedicated to global security.
I'm Alex Dibble today with Stuart Willey.
Faith in the Trump administration's commitment to NATO has been chipped away
at in recent weeks after a series of speeches
and comments that have startled many
and even prompted the incoming German leader to say it it's time
for Europe to go it alone in security.
But as commentators suggest, Vladimir Putin could be emboldened by those worries.
The UK Prime Minister has told Parliament it's something he's talked about with Donald Trump.
The President made absolutely clear his commitment to Article 5 of NATO,
absolutely clear that he would have our backs because of the relationship between our parties,
and agreed that our teams would sit down together to talk through security guarantees.
Sir Keir Starmer mentioned there NATO's Article 5,
which is generally understood to mean
that an attack on one member of the alliance is an attack on all,
prompting a response from other members.
But given us foreign policy is shifting rapidly.
Is Article 5 now dead?
Our guest today is security consultant Edward Lucas,