You're listening to the Briefing, first broadcast on the 5th of March, 2025 on Monocle Radio.
Hello and welcome to the Briefing, broadcasting live from Studio one here at Midori House in London.
I'm Chris Chermack.
Coming up on today's program,
President Trump is trying to deliver an unprecedented giveaway to his billionaire friends.
He's on the hunt to trillions of.
Dollars to pass along to the wealthiest in America.
And to do that, he's going to.
Make you pay in every part of your life.
Democrats respond
as US President Donald Trump leans into his own agenda in a speech before Congress,
but does promise peace in Ukraine.
We'll get reactions from Washington, Paris and Ukraine.
We'll explore how Beijing will prop up its own economy
and spend its way to an ambitious growth target.
And after passenger rail turns 200 this year,
we'll speak to the organizer of events for the milestone right here in the UK and finally,
the Pritzker Prize for Architecture.
We will reveal the winner with our own design editor, Nick Manese.
All that right here on the Briefing with me, Chris Chermack.