How did the richest people on the.
Planet make their fortunes?
I'm Simon Jack.
And I'm Zing Singh.
Join us for Good Bad Billionaire.
Each episode we pick a billionaire and.
We find out how they made their money, like the comedian Jerry Seinfeld, the financier George Soros, the golf star Tiger Woods.
Then Simon and I have a decision to make.
Do we think they are good, bad or just another billionaire?
Good, bad billionaire.
Listen on BBC Sounds.
The sheds are carpeted in birds.
You see birds where their legs are buckling underneath them and I find it just so.
These are chickens that have been selectively bred to grow as big as possible, as quick as possible, using as little feed as possible.
There's a lot to be said for it in a sustainability argument.
These birds are hugely efficient in how much weight they put on which they.
I know there's an image of a chicken farmer going in there and kicking his chicken around the sheds and all, but they're not.
I mean, at the end of the day, high welfare.
One of the ways I really like to think about welfare is to ask myself, how willing would I be to take on the life that that animal is living?
And for me, I wouldn't be so keen, to be honest, to live the life of a broiler chicken.