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In this episode, Shane talks with John Gray about Beyond Mars and Venus and what he’s been up to since his last time on The Couples Therapist Couch. John is one of the most well-known relationship experts of the past 40 years and also wrote the iconic bestseller, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. Hear how to keep your libido at any age, why partners lose interest in sex, how to keep that spark as a married couple, why grief is actually addictive, and what he learned from his wife’s passing.
To learn more about John and his coaching, visit MarsVenusCoaching.com
Check out John’s book, “Beyond Mars and Venus”
You can also listen to John on Episode 43 of The Couples Therapist Couch: https://www.couplestherapistcouch.com/blog/043-beyond-mars-and-venus-with-john-gray