Maybe no stupid questions.
Listeners are just, like, freaks.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Mahn, and you're listening to no stupid questions.
Today on the show, should you be more open to leaving your comfort zone?
I have never regretted the ex Benedict.
Oh, really?
I have always regretted the ex Benedict.
Mike, I'm so excited to begin our personality series.
As you will recall, we are doing an episode on each of the big five personality traits.
That's openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
So I'm asking you, Mike, whether it's okay that we begin with O for openness.
I am totally open to that idea.
Well, let's begin with an email from Mae Lee.
Mei is a university student in Singapore, but also, she has been helping us with this big five personality series.
And since we're very grateful, her question rose to the top.