Okay, weirdo.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Munn, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
What's the point of nostalgia?
Who's this man flying around in green tights?
Hi, I'm Peter Pan.
Today our question comes from listener Mike Hole.
All right.
He says, sometimes when I'm feeling stressed, I'll close my eyes and pretend I'm in my parents backyard with my old dog or at my wedding or pushing my daughter in a swing.
All super happy places for me.
I think I'd be a healthier person if I had even more of those happy places to go when times get tough.
Why does nostalgia exist?
And how helpful is it?
That's beautiful.
This is a happy place question.
I guess it's a nostalgia question.
So the thing that I thought was really interesting about how he asks this, he uses it as almost an escape mechanism, a coping mechanism, maybe you'd say a grounding mechanism to go back to a happy place and kind of reset himself.