Would you be more adventurous if you had more structure? Do you multitask while brushing your teeth? And what would Mike’s perfect brother Peter do?
It's hard not to add a side of hot, crispy hash browns to your favorite McDonald's breakfast.
It's even harder not to eat said hash browns before you get home.
Bada ba ba ba.
Gosh, I hope this isn't too personal.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Mann, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
How important are routines?
A chaotic life with no rules, no plans.
Angela, today I think we have a really fun question, but I'm even more excited because it's from a really fun person.
Okay, do tell.
This is a question that was sent in from my brother Peter.
Perfect Peter, right?
He's the neurosurgeon.
I love that you call him perfect Peter.
I do think he's incredible.
I think he's the smartest of all my siblings.
I'll give him that.