Does anybody ever say that?
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Mann, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
Is meritocracy a fair system?
What it shines a light on is how much all of life is a lottery.
Angela, I'm super excited to talk to you today.
We've got an amazing question from Patrick Gilmartin, which I almost want to just say in a british accent the whole time.
Patrick Gilmoreton.
Yeah, I don't know why.
It's about the most british name that you could possibly have.
He doesn't say where he's from, but in my mind.
Patrick, you are from the great British Isles.
Yes, exactly.
So Patrick says, I'm a big fan of the podcast.
It would be insightful if the two of you could talk about the potential failures of a meritocracy like the one discussed in the meritocracy trap by Daniel Markovitz.
Are you familiar with this book?
I haven't read the meritocracy trap, but I'm pretty familiar with these arguments against meritocracy.
Okay, good.
Well, look, here's the rest of Patrick's question.