Do you know who I'm having dinner with tonight?
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Mann, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show, what does it mean to be successful?
No one ever feels like they made it.
There's no such thing as, like, oh, I reached the pinnacle.
Angela, today we have a really interesting question from Steve Carlson.
He says, in episode 171, angela said, quote, gritty people are more successful, unquote.
Okay, now I'm all ears.
Go ahead.
So he continues, how is Angela defining success?
And then says, my wife and I often discuss how to define success in life.
Are we successful?
Would we say that our friends are successful?
How do we know if our adult kids are successful?
There don't seem to be many ways to measure success due to the ambiguity of the defining criteria.
However, this is where Steve goes to chat GPT and asks, chat GPT.
That's probably what I would do.
He asked, chat GPT, what are the variables for success?