How do you practice self-care if you don’t have time for a break? Is it weird to talk to yourself? And does Mike need a bag of Doritos — or just a hug?
That looks like someone who needs a hug.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Mann, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
How do you practice self compassion?
I tend to feel alone in my failure.
I tend to obsess and fixate on everything that's wrong.
Angela, it is always a delight to talk to you.
Hello, Mike.
Today we have a question from Andrew Davis.
Andrew and his partner just had their third child under five.
They said they have virtually no time to step back and take a break.
So his question, he said, I was talking to a family member, and he suggested practicing self compassion, which suggests things like talking to yourself and saying things like, I know this is hard right now, and it's only natural you're feeling so stressed.
I'm here for you.
Andrew continued, this struck me as a ridiculous thing to do, to tell yourself that you're there for yourself.
So he asks, do you think this is a worthy practice?
And more generally, how do you feel that self compassion can help while in a hard situation?
Oh, my gosh.