153. Should You Spend More Time in Nature?

No Stupid Questions



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单集简介 ...

Is a walk through the city as good as a walk through the woods? Who’s most likely to die while taking a selfie? And how does Angela protect herself from the beer cans falling onto her deck?

单集文稿 ...

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • That is where Instagram really comes from.

  • I'm Angela Duckworth.

  • I'm Mike Mann, and you're listening to.

  • No stupid questions today on the show.

  • Why do we think nature is beautiful?

  • We all, in person are asking ourselves, is this real?

  • And, I mean, obviously it was real, but it's so stunning.

  • Angela, I'm so excited to talk to you today.

  • Samesies.

  • Hello, Mike.

  • I'm so pleased you started with same Z's.

  • Okay, so we have a listener named Tim.

  • He said, I saw a stunning photo on Twitter with a serene lake in Italy with majestic mountains in the distance.

  • And he said, I wondered, why do I find this so beautiful?

  • Because beauty is supposedly in the eye of the beholder.

  • But I can't imagine anyone who looks on this site in nature having a negative reaction to it, subjectively beautiful.

  • Is it hardwired or learned?

  • And is this appreciation of beauty unique to humans?

  • So, Angela, you live in a large city.