How do friendships change as we get older? Should you join a bowling league? And is Angela more important to Mike than Mike is to Angela?
No, really.
Men want to have friends.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Mike Mahn, and you're listening to no stupid questions.
Today on the show, Angela talks to Mike Mahn, senior executive at Qualtrics, about how to make friends as an adult.
People are kind of like, I'm good.
I don't want anybody else.
Mike Maun, I am.
On a scale from zero to ten, I want to say eleven in excitement to talk to you today about something that we both care about, and that is friendship.
That is something we care about and something that we have.
So Minnie, who's one of our listeners, writes to us with the following question.
I would like to know if it becomes difficult to make close friends, not acquaintances, close friends as you grow older, especially in your forties and beyond.
And by the way, Mike, Minnie says some other very friendly, positive things in her email to us.
But that's the part that I want to really focus on today.
This idea of making close friends, even in mid adulthood, it kind of is us.
I agree.
I mean, look, I feel very lucky to count you as among my dearest friends.
I also think that it's an interesting question, and I think you and I probably approach it a little differently.
You've told me that I think I'm your most recent good friend.