How should you treat Seasonal Affective Disorder? Would we all be happier if we hibernated? And why does Stephen think football fans have an easier time?
You know, there's a whole school of diaper optimization.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Stephen Dubner, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
How do seasonal changes affect mood and mental health?
I want to be ecstatic.
I want to be flipping out and doing cartwheels.
Steven, we have a comment submitted to from one Lindsay Rollman, and I'm going to read it to you.
Let's hear.
The days are getting darker earlier.
Cooler temperatures are kicking in.
Winter is coming.
Oh, no.
I see where this is going.
This is not a Game of Thrones question.
Lindsay is talking about the seasons and not the seasons of Game of Thrones.
Although the beginning of each new season is very exciting and refreshing to experience, the midwinter, seasonal sadness tends to affect many people.
September to December is quite exciting because of the new seasonal atmosphere and the holidays.
But after January, the short term joy in the air tends to diminish for some.
Although year round sunshine and warmth sounds ideal.