How is aging different today than it was in the past? What do young people get wrong about happiness? And what does it mean if you impulsively decide to get your ear pierced in an unusual place?
I just want you to know that the future is rosy.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Steven Dubner, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
What is the likelihood that you'll experience a midlife crisis?
I've got the stress of young children.
I've got my career stresses.
I've got aging parents.
Oh, my God, it's all going on at the same time.
Angela, a question today from a listener whose name is Rebecca Basie, who lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
She writes, hi, Angela.
Steven, exclamation point.
Hello, Rebecca.
Here's a question that I grapple with at random, especially since being in my mid thirties.
Do you remember your mid thirties, Angela?
Oh, my gosh.
I was like, Rebecca, the email writer is so young, I vaguely remember my mid thirties.
So Rebecca writes about encountering certain situations in which I believe a midlife crisis is to blame.
And she wants to know, are they real midlife crises?
Rebecca continues, I am married with three kids.