34 分钟How do kids learn about money? What’s the big problem with education? And who made "Raiders of the Lost Ark?"
You are libeling your entire profession.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Stephen Dubner.
And you're listening to no stupid questions.
Today on the show.
Does giving your child an allowance actually teach them financial responsibility?
You just can't give a kid $5 and be like, gee, they spent most of it.
Angela, we've got an email from one Valerie Boyles.
Oh, I can't hear the name Valerie without thinking of Amy Winehouse.
Oh, is there a song called Valerie?
Amy Winehouse who died young from, I think, an overdose that I know was an amazing singer.
Hang on, here we go.
Let's hear some Amy.
That's good.
I miss her.
That is not Valerie's email.
But that is definitely relevant to the name Valerie, correct?
Sorry, that was a tangent.
So Valerie Boyles here, she writes to, say, steven and Angela, my husband and I have been discussing starting an allowance with our children ages ten and eight.
I've read different systems for giving allowance, such as allowance given for chores completed versus allowance given because they are part of the family.