I was going to say Apple.
Very close. Hippopotamus.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Steven Dubner.
And you're listening to No Stupid Questions.
Today on the show, is Steven Dubner a hoarder?
Why can't you just call 1-800-GOT-JUNK?
Even Got Junk doesn't want my junk.
Also, do you have a past, present, or future time perspective?
That Thanksgiving of 1989, there was never one like it.
Steven, question for you.
I want to know about your quinoa cabinet.
I want to know if it is still full or perhaps even overflowing.
And really why I'm asking is, when you said that you keep buying box after box of quinoa
and never cooking any of it, I had to ask myself, is Steven a hoarder?
So first of all, I would say I've eased off on the quinoa purchase since you talked me through it.
Since I shamed you about it.
Am I a hoarder?
So I would say that I don't believe I am now or have ever been what is called a severe hoarder
where you accumulate so many books or newspapers or cuckoo clocks.