Also: what’s so great about New York City anyway?
That was a really good, humble brag, I have to say.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Steven Dubner, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
Do checklists make people stupid?
Do schoolwork, hate parents, go out with friends?
Hate parents?
Also, given the state of the pandemic, is it time to give up on.
Cities people are decamping out to, if I might say it, the burbs.
Angela Duckworth.
Our question today comes from a listener named Chris Shipman.
I work at a place that thrives on process.
Chris writes, thrives is in quotes, which I guess connotes irony and suggests that this workplace doesn't actually thrive.
So anyway, Chris goes on, but I feel like checklists deaden critical thinking.
That brings us to Chris's actual question.
Do checklists make people more stupid?
So, Angela, I like this question because it is a specific procedural question, but it's got much broader implications if you want to go there.
So do you want to go there?
I want to go there.
I've been thinking about checklists, actually, long before Chris Shipman sent us that question, I read Atul Gawande's checklist manifesto.