Also: do we overestimate or underestimate our significance in other people’s lives?
We want to be praised.
We want to be praiseworthy.
I want to get a candle.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Stephen Dubner and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
Why do we forget some of our favorite books?
We don't always remember what we remember.
Also, do we overestimate our significance in other people's lives?
This is so forward.
He's just arrived and he wants to come join our group.
Steven, I've been thinking about a conversation that we had about a tree grows in Brooklyn.
Do you recall this conversation?
I do recall that conversation.
You said you loved that book.
Loved, loved, loved it.
But you couldn't remember a single thing about it.
So I thought you might have even forgotten the conversation about how I had forgotten.
But anyway, my point is that it's a really interesting thing that people can read books that they absolutely love so much that they're like evangelical.