Also: what is the meaning of life?
Did you know that the Rhodes scholarship was founded on blood money?
Did you know that everything was founded on blood money?
If you go back far enough.
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Stephen Dubner, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
In the era of cancel culture, should we still be able to enjoy the art of problematic artists?
Guess the 19th century sin of this dead white man.
Also, do you ever feel overwhelmed by the question of whether life has greater meaning?
When I was 16, I wrote a paper, actually, called the meaning of life.
Nailed it.
Stephen, we got a great question from a listener, and it asked the question, should we separate art from the artist?
And in particular, artists like Michael Jackson or others, who you just love their work, and then you discover they've done.
Terrible things, allegedly done terrible things.
I think in the case of Michael Jackson.
Right, fair enough.
I think the question is a great one.
Should I stop watching Woody Allen movies?
I love Annie hall.