How would you like to work at a podcast, young lady?
Is that the question?
I'm Angela Duckworth.
I'm Steven Dubner, and you're listening to.
No stupid questions today on the show.
When it comes to decision making, is it better to maximize or satisfice, can.
I ask, is synonym for maximizer pain in the ass?
Also, what is the ideal interview question?
Oh, I noticed you've got a Phillies hat on.
Are you from Philadelphia?
And then all of a sudden, an hour's gone by and the interview's over.
Angela Duckworth, I have a question for you today.
I wanna know whether you are a maximizer or a satisficer and why.
And while you answer, I want you to explain maximizing and satisficing, where it comes from, what it means.
I am a maximizer.
I had a feeling.
Yeah, you knew me.
So that means that when it comes to my work, I am trying to do better and better and better.
That's what maximizers do.