11. Are Ambitious People Inherently Selfish?

No Stupid Questions



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Also: why do we habituate to life’s greatest pleasures?

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  • I've seen more dogs dance the flamenco than I've seen children voluntarily give a piece of their birthday cake.

  • Hey, I'm Angela Duckworth.

  • I'm Steven Dubner, and you're listening to.

  • No stupid questions today on the show.

  • Is it possible to be self interested and altruistic at the same time?

  • What if I want to be a drug dealer?

  • What if I want to be a politician?

  • That plainly has no good effect on anyone.

  • Also, why do we become desensitized to the most wonderful things about life?

  • Can you imagine how blissed out I would be if every time I flushed a toilet, I thanked my lucky stars?

  • Like, what kind of planet is this?

  • This is amazing.

  • Steven, I have a question for you.

  • Sure.

  • In your experience, would you say that ambitious and successful people are also selfish?

  • So, as with every question and answer in the world, it's highly context dependent.

  • I mean, ambition and success in service of what?

  • Ambitious in the service of promoting themselves as the best blank in the world or ambitious in the service of something that's going to be a social or a public good?

  • So my knee jerk is I really want ambitious and successful people to be selfish, because I want them to succeed.

  • If they're working on something that one cares about, I want them to do what they feel is most in their interest to get to their goal.