7. How Do You Handle Criticism?

No Stupid Questions



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Also: is it better to send a congratulatory note to someone who deserves it or a condolence note to someone who needs it?

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  • I don't mean to be disrespectful, except for you do.

  • I'm Angela Duckworth.

  • I'm Stephen Dubner, and you're listening to.

  • No stupid questions today on the show.

  • We all need feedback to improve.

  • So why is it so hard to.

  • Hear criticism if you don't give him critical feedback?

  • What he could have done better?

  • He tells you what a terrible person you are.

  • He just denigrates you.

  • Also, which is the more meaningful act, celebrating a friend's accomplishment or supporting them through a loss?

  • Most people already know to be supportive when someone is having a bad day.

  • So it's okay to ditch them because you already know that.

  • Whereas if something good happens, I want to be there for the champagne.

  • Steven.

  • Angela, everyone I know recognizes that feedback makes you better, whatever it is that you're trying to do.

  • Nobody I know likes to be criticized.

  • So what do you think that is?

  • So I do love that question, but let me ask you a couple questions about the question.

  • So you're linking feedback and criticism.