Topic Talk | Recurring Dreams

The A to Z English Podcast



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Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about their recurring dreams. Transcript: 00:00:00 Jack Hey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here. 00:00:03 Jack And if you would like to become a an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week. 00:00:23 Jack And be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes. 00:00:42 Jack Each week. 00:00:44 Jack So make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes. 00:00:52 Jack Now let's get on with the show. 00:00:56 Jack Welcome to the 80s English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we're doing a topic talk episode and social. The topic is recurring dreams and. 00:01:08 Xochitl I like this one interesting good. 00:01:09 Jack Yeah, yeah. Do you have one or do you want me? 00:01:12 Jack To go first. 00:01:13 Xochitl I have a couple you can do you want. 00:01:15 Xochitl Me to start or? 00:01:16 Jack Yeah, yeah, you go ahead and start. Yeah. 00:01:18 Xochitl I one of them that I have is when I was younger I used to have this recurring dream where there were these like little they look like mini M&M's. They're like these bunch of little colored like round things and they're these like witches, cartoon witches and blue capes. 00:01:39 Xochitl That would like. 00:01:40 Xochitl ZAP them or something and that happened a few different times, like I had that dream a few different times. It was weird. 00:01:48 Xochitl And and another one that's only been prevalent since I was a kid all the way through adulthood. Still, if I'm really stressed, I get a dream that I have a tooth in my hand and I have to, like, cut it open and get the tooth out like there's a. 00:02:03 Jack Whoa, that's crazy. 00:02:05 Xochitl It's weird. 00:02:07 Xochitl Yeah, it's really, really weird and this is happened every time since I was a kid all the way in. 00:02:14 Xochitl So now. 00:02:15 Jack Our listeners out there do some research and let us know what that means. A tooth embedded in your hand that you have to take it. 00:02:23 Xochitl It's like inside. It's like it's like it's like there's a. It's almost like it grew inside my hand and it's like I can X-ray, see through it or something. And I have to cut it up and pull it out and like, it looks like a mouth and guns inside or something. I don't know. It's freaking weird. Like, yeah, it is very weird and very vivid. I have super, super vivid dreams. 00:02:36 Jack Wow. 00:02:43 Xochitl I always have since I was a kid, so it's like very strange. 00:02:46 Jack Do you remember your dream? 00:02:48 Xochitl Yeah, I remember a lot of dreams. So it's good. Yeah. 00:02:51 Jack OK. 00:02:54 Jack Like, do you? 00:02:54 Jack Is there some sort of strategy that you use to remember them, or is it just something that happens naturally? 00:03:00 Xochitl Well, it happens naturally sometimes. I wish I didn't. I'll like I get sometimes I get tons of crazy dreams in one night and they're like, they're like home movie plots and a lot of times they're like horror movie plots. And they're, like, really intense in detail. And I and I like, wake up and I'll go back to sleep and I'll have another dream like that. And it just keeps going. 00:03:18 Xochitl I'll have like four or five at night. 00:03:20 Xochitl And I'm straight. They're like a movie, like a full movie with characters and everything. It's like real. 00:03:25 Xochitl Weird. 00:03:26 Jack Are you

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  • Hey, a to Z listeners, this is Jack here.

  • And if you would like to become an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Redcircle page where for $1.99 a month, you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.

  • And be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation.

  • However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes each week.

  • So make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.

  • Now let's get on with the show.

  • Welcome to the eight is the english podcast.

  • My name is Jack and I'm here with my co host, social.

  • And today we're doing a topic talk episode and social.

  • The topic is recurring dreams.

  • And I like this one.

  • Interesting.

  • Good.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you have one or do you want me to go first?

  • I have a couple you can.

  • Do you want me to start or.

  • Yeah, yeah, you go ahead and start.

  • Yeah, I.

  • One of them that I have is when I was younger, I used to have this recurring dream where there were these, like a little.