Topic Talk | I love garbage!

The A to Z English Podcast



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Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack talks about his love of recycling, reusing, and upcycling items that people have thrown away. Transcript: 00:00:01 Jack Welcome to The A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and today I'm doing a solo episode and today's topic is I love garbage. 00:00:15 Jack And you're probably thinking to yourself. 00:00:19 Jack What are you talking about, Jack? Nobody loves garbage. 00:00:24 Jack But recently. 00:00:27 Jack I'm really into. 00:00:29 Jack Recycling. 00:00:31 Jack And. 00:00:32 Jack Upcycling. 00:00:34 Jack And reusing. 00:00:37 Jack Objects that people don't want anymore. 00:00:41 Jack And. 00:00:43 Jack Fixing them and using them myself. 00:00:47 Jack And fixing items, selling them to make a little bit of profit or. 00:00:56 Jack You know, giving items that I can't use anymore to. 00:01:04 Jack Friends or family that might you know, people that might. 00:01:06 Jack Want those items? 00:01:08 Jack So let me explain a little bit more of what I mean by I love garbage. It started about a year ago. 00:01:18 Jack I I wanted to get into exercise and I used to exercise regularly, but during COVID coronavirus. 00:01:30 Jack During that time I I stopped. 00:01:33 Jack Going to the gym, I stopped exercising. I started eating unhealthy food and I started to gain weight and I've never really been able to go back to how I was before COVID before that time started. 00:01:54 Jack And so I was in my neighborhood and I saw an exercise bicycle in the garbage. Uh, not not in a garbage can, but, you know, in the ready for the recyclers to take it and take it away and. 00:02:10 Jack I thought to myself, I think this is a a pretty nice exercise bike. Uh, this is not a uh, a regular bicycle. This is an exercise bicycle, so a stationary bike stationary means it doesn't move when you pedal, it just stays in the same place. 00:02:30 Jack And lots of people have these in their houses, and I noticed that there was one problem with this stationary bike. The handlebars kept the handlebars are the the things you hold on to while you're pedaling and they kept they were loose. They kept falling forward. 00:02:51 Jack And. 00:02:53 Jack I thought to myself, I think I can fix this and so I brought it home. 00:02:58 Jack I took out my tools and Long story short I fixed it and now it's a perfectly good. 00:03:06 Jack Exercise bicycle and I got it for free. You know, usually you have to pay $100 or hundreds of dollars for these kinds of exercise machines. 00:03:19 Jack However. 00:03:20 Jack I got mine for free. 00:03:23 Jack And so I have an an extra room in in our building, there's a an extra room that we have. My wife and I have turned into a kind of a gym, a a home exercise center. 00:03:38 Jack And so I put the bicycle in there. 00:03:41 Jack And about a week later. 00:03:43 Jack Sure. 00:03:44 Jack I saw a bench, an exercise bench where you can do sit-ups and a sit up is where you you go back, you're on your back and then you lift up and you use your stomach muscles, your abdominal muscles to pull yourself up. And it was perfectly good except it was missing. 00:04:05 Jack Once. 00:04:06 Jack I went to the hardware store, I bought a screw for $1.00. 00:04:11 Jack And I fixed that and I put that in my exercise room. 00:04:15 Jack And then. 00:04:17 Jack I found another piece of exercise equipment perfectly fine. Someone was throwing it away because they were. They were moving out of their apartment and I live in a neighborhood with a lot of apartments, a lot of small apartments. So when people don't want items, they just. 00:04:36 Jack Throw them away instead of because they don't even want to take the time to give them away or to sell them. They just throw them away. 00:04:44 Jack So I took it, I took it hom

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  • Welcome to the A to Z English podcast.

  • My name is Jack, and today I'm doing a solo episode.

  • And today's topic is I love garbage.

  • And you're probably thinking to yourself, what are you talking about, Jack?

  • Nobody loves garbage.

  • But recently, I'm really into recycling and upcycling and reusing objects that people don't want anymore and fixing them and using them myself and fixing items, selling them to make a little bit of profit or, you know, giving items that I can't use anymore to friends or family that might, you know, people that might want those items.

  • So let me explain a little bit more of what I mean by I love garbage.

  • It started about a year ago.

  • I wanted to get into exercise, and I used to exercise regularly.

  • But during COVID coronavirus, during that time, I stopped going to the gym.

  • I stopped exercising.

  • I started eating unhealthy food, and I started to gain weight.

  • And I've never really been able to go back to how I was before COVID before that time started.

  • And so I was in my neighborhood, and I saw an exercise bicycle in the garbage.

  • Not in a garbage can, but ready for the recyclers to take it and take it away.

  • And I thought to myself, I think this is a pretty nice exercise bike.

  • This is not a regular bicycle.

  • This is an exercise bicycle.

  • So a stationary bike.

  • Stationary means it doesn't move when you pedal.