Madi Ditler On Looking At Health And Fitness From All Angles To Transforming Your Life Physically and Mentally

马迪·迪特勒 (Madi Ditler) 从各个角度看待健康和健身,以改变您的身心生活

Sad to Savage



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Hey Besties, meet health and fitness coach Madi Ditler. Madi has been in the fitness industry since 2018 and is creating space for women to evolve and empower themselves and their health!  Her approach works to get you looking at health and fitness from all angles, transforming your life physically but also mentally as well. In this epside we talk about her own progression into the health and fitness space, the up's and down's along the way. Madi shares her own thoughts on how to get past feeling intimidated by the gym enviroment and find a workout routine that works for you!   FOLLOW Madi Ditler FIND Madi's coaching, guides and more HERE   Shop my HABIT TRACKER    FOLLOW along with me: ON Instagram @shelbysacco5 ON Tiktok @shelbysacco5 (Main Account)

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