Shrink Chicks on Normalizing Therapy and How We Enter Relationships with Unconscious Contracts


Sad to Savage



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Hi Besties, meet Emmalee and Jennifer - both of who are Licenced Marriage and Family Therapists and the faces behind Shrink Chicks and The Group Therapy! Having recognized that all humans could benefit from therapy but many keep themselves from the experience. Em and Jen have dedicated themsleves to creating a unique therapy environment and podcast that would open therapy up to even the most skeptical!   In this episode we talk about normalizing therapy, understanding yourself and your views of a healthy relationship. Jen and Em also share great advice on boundaries and communication with the concept of unconscious contracts we put on our relationships!   FOLLOW and listen to @shrinkchicks VISIT       Shop my HABIT TRACKER    FOLLOW along with me: ON Instagram @shelbysacco5 ON Tiktok @shelbysacco5 (Main Account)

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