Was Jesus Actually a Vegan? DEBATE: The Reverend Hunter vs Christian Animal Activist

耶稣真的是素食主义者吗? 辩论:猎人牧师与基督教动物活动家

The Ellen Fisher Podcast



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Kam Waters, co-creator of the documentary film soon to be released, Christspiracy, sits down with Tony Jones from The Reverend Hunter Podcast to debate if Jesus was actually a vegan. The Film “Christspiracy” documents Kam’s personal quest, as a lover of Christ, across the globe to answer the question “is there a spiritual way to kill an animal?” interviewing theologians, archeologists, Christian farmers and more. Kam grew up in the Bible Belt, was born and raised in the Christian church, and began questioning his traditions’ position on animal ethics when he realized there was more to the story than he had been told. Tony Jones is a writer, theologian, outdoorsman, and passionate hunter who believes the lack of people currently killing and butchering their own animals for food “is one of the most primal aspects of religion that has been lost.” He’s written many books including his latest “The God of Wild Places: Rediscovering the Divine in the Untamed Outdoors.” He teaches at Fuller Theological Seminary and lives in Minnesota with his wife, kids, and dog. Both of these men are passionate about their cause.  Kam and the Christspiracy team are shaking up the common narrative, but Tony comes in sharing where he thinks they go wrong. Did God put animals on this earth for us to eat and use how we see fit? What does “dominion over the animals” really mean? And what does it mean on a broader scale if Jesus really did advocate for compassion for animals? Or is eating animals without boundaries, a God - given right that is good? WHERE TO FIND TONY Website: https://reverendhunter.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thereverendhunter The God of Wild Places book: https://amzn.to/3OPHs57 WHERE TO FIND KAM Christspiracy: https://www.christspiracy.com/Christspiracy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christspiracy Kam’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kameronwaters/ SPONSORS: Anima Mundi Herbals: Get 20% off with my code ELLENFISHER20 https://glnk.io/106o3/ellen Cozy Earth: Enter COZYELLEN for 30% off your order https://cozyearth.com/ellenfisher OSEA: enter the code  ELLEN_10 for 10% off your order https://oseamalibu.com/?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=influencer&utm_campaign=062024_EVG_ELLENFISHER WHERE TO FIND ME  Get The Empowered Pregnancy & Birth course: https://go.theempoweredbirth.com/ellen Get my ebooks: https://www.ellenfisher.com/ebooks My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ellenfisher/ LISTEN to these episodes on Apple Podcast or Spotify: https://link.chtbl.com/ellenfisherpod Elevate your videos with record-label quality music from Musicbed: http://share.mscbd.fm/ellenfisher

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