Problems with our Medical Birthing System with Dr. Stuart Fischbein | misleading research, scare tactics, and the cascade of interventions

Stuart Fischbein 博士探讨我们医疗分娩系统的问题 | 误导性研究、恐吓策略和一系列干预措施

The Ellen Fisher Podcast



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Birth is one of the most sacred and important experiences in a mother’s life and every woman has the right to true informed consent and refusal in the birthing process. Too often women are not given all their options with unbiased information but are instead coerced into decisions that benefit the doctor’s convenience, our broken medical system, and their pockets.  Dr Stuart Fischbein, a rare gem in the world of physicians. packs this episode with information on making informed choices and ensuring bodily autonomy in the birthing process. He’s a practicing obstetrician since 1986 who supports VBAC and specializes in community based natural breech & twin birthing and is a strong believer in the midwifery model of care. He travels around the country and internationally teaching the disappearing art of breech delivery and his podcast, Birthing Instincts, is helping women all over the world reclaim their power in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This episode covers: Dr. Stu’s story from being a practicing OBGYN in the hospital to assisting midwives at home with breech and twin deliveries Problems with our standard medical birthing model The cascade of interventions that happen in a hospital setting The prevalence of personal bias in scientific papers and poorly controlled research Red flags when choosing a practitioner Birth as a medical problem versus a normal natural function of the human female body VBAC safety vs risk Vaginal breech and Twin delivery The rise in cesarean deliveries And so much more Sponsor: Get this OSEA limited-edition set and support this mother-daughter brand by using my code ELLENGLOW ⁠⁠ Get The Empowered Pregnancy & Birth Course here: ⁠ WHERE TO FIND DR. STUART FISCHBEIN Website instagram Podcast WHERE TO FIND ME ⁠⁠⁠My birth course⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠My ebooks⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Watch the podcast⁠

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