This episode is brought to you by Choiceology, an original podcast from Charles Schwab.
Choiceology is a show about the psychology and economics behind the decisions we make every day and how to make better ones.
I'm Dr.
Katie Milkman.
Join me as I share true stories from Nobel laureates, athletes, authors, and everyday people faced with monumental decisions.
We'll share useful tools and strategies to help you make better decisions in your own life.
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I'm like, oh, my God.
Like, please help.
Like, I wonder if anybody else is going through this.
Like, am I wrong for feeling this?
Like, I literally.
I mean, honestly, this person, the way they were communicating with me had me feeling that I was crazy.
Welcome to how to the show, where people call in with their toughest questions and we find the perfect expert to give them guidance.
Hi, I'm Carvel Wallace.
So I will not be the first person, nor will I be the last to make the observation that intimate relationships can be, let's say, messy.
I mean, sometimes the messiest ones are those that span years or even decades.
They might be on again or off again, or they have hurt and then forgiveness and then more hurt.
And if you throw in addiction and abuse and maybe other toxic elements into the mix, what we thought was a loving relationship might turn out to be something else entirely.
It's hard, or at least it can be hard, to get out of a relationship like that.