11 分钟You’re learning Italian, but it’s going slower than you’d hoped? These unconventional tips will help you speed things up! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school Subscribe to our new Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1 Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/learning-italian-tips Today's Italian words: Impossibile = Impossible Importante = Important Normale = Normal Errore = Mistake Il vocabolario = (the) vocabulary La grammatica = (the) grammar La pronuncia = (the) pronunciation Anno = Year (remember to make the “n” long!) Sono di New York = I’m from New York E tu? Di dove sei? = And you? Where are you from? (informal)