13 分钟Vacations, weather, and your hobbies… you’ll need FARE to talk about these things and more! Learn how to use this important Italian verb. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school Subscribe to our new Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joyoflanguages.italian?sub_confirmation=1 Get the bonus materials for this episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/fare-italian-verb Today's Italian words: Fa caldo = It’s hot (lit. it does heat) Fa freddo = It’s cold (lit. it does cold) Fare le vacanze = To take a vacation (lit. to do the vacations) Fare un giro = To go for a stroll Fare giardinaggio = To garden Fare un errore = To make a mistake Faccio un giro = I’m going for a stroll Che fate? = What are you doing? (plural you) In estate fa caldo in Italia = In summer it’s hot in Italy (lit. it does heat)