Interview: Médecins Sans Frontières's Dr Natalie Roberts





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Title The Dr Natalie Roberts Interview Short Adam speaks to the Executive Director of Médecins Sans Frontières Long Today we speak to Dr Natalie Roberts, Executive Director of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Natalie discusses her early medical career in the NHS, working in some of the world's most dangerous countries and how the charity has responded to accusations of racism. Médecins Sans Frontières is a medical charity which provides help in areas around the world experiencing conflict, epidemics and other health emergencies. You can join our Newscast online community here: Newscast brings you daily analysis of the latest political news stories from the BBC. It was presented by Adam Fleming. It was made by Chris Flynn with Gemma Roper. The technical producer was Mike Regaard. The assistant editor is Chris Gray. The editor is Sam Bonham.

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  • BBC sounds music radio podcasts.

  • Hello.

  • During the summer, we are using Sunday's newscast as an opportunity to have a long, in depth chat with an interesting person every week.

  • And this week's chat is with Doctor Natalie Roberts, who's executive director of medicine Sans Frontieres, Doctors Without Borders, the french medical charity which provides help in trouble spots around the world, whether it's places that have been affected by war or natural disasters.

  • Doctor Roberts started out in the NHS before she then went into the NGO world.

  • And she now, from her perch as the executive director, has a bird's eye view of all the stuff that her charity does around the world and also some of the problems that emerge as a result of that.

  • So here's the conversation I had with her a couple of days ago.

  • Newscast newscast from the BBC.

  • Doctor Roberts, hello.

  • Hi.

  • Where was the last place you were abroad?

  • The last place I was, I went to north Nigeria at the end of last year and what was happening there.

  • So North Nigeria has been now for over a decade in a massive malnutrition crisis.

  • We used to hear a lot about the northeast of Nigeria, the Borno state, where there was the Chibok girls and Boko Haram and everything else, the mass kidnapping.

  • And so back in 2016, I actually worked there an awful lot.

  • But actually, across the whole of northern Nigeria, there's a huge amount of violence, conflict to extreme level, and it's one of those things you never hear about in the UK.

  • So I went to go and see how that was going on in the northwest of Nigeria.

  • Very, very sketchy place to go.

  • Lots of traveling on roads that we normally would try and avoid, but we had to.

  • The risk of kidnapping for you, the.