24 分钟Applying design thinking to communication can help create the world around us.
Hi Matt here as a listener of think fast, talk smart, you know how important good communication is.
One of the most important ingredients of good communication is understanding the context around you.
And with today's rapidly changing tech landscape, that's harder than ever.
That's why I recommend the A 16 Z podcast from Andreessen Horowitz.
I've been a listener for years and a guest twice.
This show helps you cut through the noise by breaking down the most important trends in business and tech, like whether autonomous vehicles have finally arrived, curing the trust problem in pharma, and how AI will actually save the world, be it genomics, next gen gaming, or even national defense.
Eavesdrop on the future with the A.
16 Z podcast, we often over focus in our communication on information rather than emotion.
We need to make sure to give feeling desirability its due.
We have to look at the intangibles to be successful in our communication.
My name is Matt Abrahams and I teach strategic communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Welcome to think fast, talk smart, the podcast.
I am super excited today to talk with Scott Dorley.
Scott is a friend and a colleague.
Scott serves as the academic and creative director at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, also known as the Stanford D School.
Along with Carissa Carter, he wrote the recently released book, assembling a guide to designing a thriving future.
Some of you might remember that Carissa joined me on episode 61 to discuss her previous book, the Secret Language of maps, how to tell visual stories with data.
Scott, I'm really excited that we finally arranged for you to join me here on the podcast.
Welcome, Val.
Thanks so much, Matt.