How one outsider came to rule the internet — and eventually embody its battle with mainstream culture.
As we approach the 21st century, a new means of communication is emerging.
This technology uses computer networks to link people on every continent.
If we are destined to live in a global village, one day, we will all be connected to the Internet.
Joe Logan is the mandev.
How's it going, bros?
My name is Prud.
I love you.
Of all the things that I've learned over the past year of working with.
You, my grandma says I sound just.
Like him when I do it.
None of it has surprised me more than PewDiePie.
My name is Pewdiepie.
I have learned that this guy is not only the most popular youtuber ever.
Everyone looks up to him as, like, not really a God, but, like, the YouTube God.
Like, way bigger than anyone that Caleb ever got into.
His reach transcends nationality, language, and culture in a career made possible by the digital age.
But according to some measures, like, he's the most famous person, like, of our lifetime.