Pushkin Negative emotions.
Feelings like fear, anger, sadness, and overwhelm are just part of being human.
But that doesn't make them any easier to manage.
Whether it's the sense of dread we.
Get before a challenging task or the.
Frustration of dealing with unmet expectations, our big feelings can drain our energy, mess up our performance performance and make us feel like crap.
The good news is that we don't have to be at the mercy of our big feelings.
Research shows that with the right strategies, we can not only manage tough emotions effectively, but also use them to our advantage, no matter what life throws our way.
So in today's episode of the Happiness Lab's how to Season, we will dive into the science of emotion regulation.
And to help us, we have one of my favorite experts on the topic.
Here to teach you how to shift your emotions is my friend, psychologist Ethan Cross.
Great to see you guys.
Let me put on some background here.
No, no, you're good.
What do you think?
I'm just going to blur it here.
Yeah, blur is fine.
Ethan founded the Emotion and Self Control Lab at the University of Michigan, and his latest book tackles the topic of dealing with big feelings head on.
It's called Shift managing your emotions so they don't manage you.