Hey, Dr.
Laurie Santos here.
Here at the Happiness Lab, we spend a lot of time talking about the happiness benefits of being a fan.
And it just so happens that another Pushkin podcast has gone deep into this topic.
It's a show called against the Rules, hosted by best selling author Michael Lewis.
Michael Lewis is the brains behind books like Moneyball, the Big Short and Liar' Poker.
This season of against the Rules is all about sports fandom, but also sports gambling, which was legalized in the US Just a few years ago.
From a happiness perspective, this is a fascinating topic.
Michael talks with gambling addicts, but also pro basketball stars, Vegas bookies, and even experts in casino design.
I also get to make an appearance.
I really enjoyed our conversation.
So if you're a little bit curious, I urge you to check out against the Rules and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
Stress sucks, but it's also a normal part of life and one that's also kind of useful.
Our stress response is just the body's natural reaction to a perceived threat.
Whenever we detect an incoming challenge, the limbic systems of our brains kick in.
We switch from our usual breathing and digesting to a physiological state that's revved up for action.
Our stress response is there to prepare us for big, scary events like fighting off a tiger, giving an important presentation, or having a tough conversation with our boss.
But once those stressful events are over, our bodies are supposed to return to normal, our breathing should slow down, and we should go back to digesting lunch.
At least that's the idea.