What'S your life purpose?
That is a very big sounding question,
which honestly is why most of us shy away from talking about it.
Your life's purpose feels like it needs to be important.
Curing a disease, saving an endangered species, or founding a billion dollar company.
It's supposed to be something big, right?
Because as here in this episode,
purpose can be found in something as simple as collecting baseball cards
and hanging out with others who share your passion.
That's an example taken directly from the life of my guest for this episode.
Hi, I'm Jordan Grummet.
I am a hospice physician, personal finance podcaster, and author of the book the Purpose Code.
Jordan's career has taken many detours.
At times he's found himself facing some big dead ends in his lifelong quest for purpose.
But today he's pretty happy where things ended up,
which makes him an excellent guide for this concluding episode of our how to season,
where we'll discuss how to find your purpose.
Jordan began yearning for purpose at a particularly young age,